Saturday, February 20, 2010

2010: here I come

So here we go again. Another triathlon season, more races.

My goal this year is to do at least four races and do them FASTER.

First on the docket, the JerseyMan Sprint Triathlon. This was my first race last year and I had problems on every leg -- swimming panic and lack of sighting know-how, then serious stomach cramps, puking and other um, issues, on the bike and run.

Unless I am hit by a bus, I don't see how I can't improve on my time for this race. ::fingers crossed::


Week 1: February 21 - February 27

Sunday: Strength 60
Actual: Strength 60

Monday: Bike 45
Actual: Bike (spinning) 45

Tuesday: Swim 45
Actual: Swim about 33 (just over 3/4 mile)

Wednesday: Bike 45, Run 20
Actual: OFF

Thursday: Swim 45
Actual: Swim 45

Friday: OFF

Saturday: Run 30, Strength 30
Actual: Run 30, Strength 20
